I started playing golf in the late summer of 1991. My best friend brought over an old set of clubs, and we hit golf balls in the cow pasture behind my house. Shortly after this, I found “Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf” by Ben Hogan. I guess that’s also when I started my obsession with all things Ben Hogan. I played pretty regularly after that for the next ten years.
When I joined the US Navy in 1995, I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, and my barracks were just down the block from the on-base golf course. Thanks to the Navy, I got to play on some beautiful golf courses in Asia and the Western Pacific.
After returning to the States in 1999, I didn’t have the same opportunities to play. With work and family responsibilities, something had to give, and sadly it was golf. It didn’t help that I had a knee injury along the way. I didn’t play again until 2019, and the bug was back. I started playing regularly in the spring of 2021, and I started this website and the associated social media pages to document my return trip to golf.